Metin Işık & Simge Ünlü Kurt & Mustafa Cankut Kurt
In this context, the aim of this study is to propose effective solutions for these preventing
effects on the paths of social participation. To achieve this aim, solutions will be presen-
ted in an integrated and systematic model that brings together different elements.
Beside the literature, young people’s views about the social participation are used as
data. For gathering these data semi-structured interviews have been conducted with 10
young people. In these interviews they answered questions about sociality, social partici-
pation and the qualities of social participation.
We hypothesise that the solutions we offered will help for increasing social participation
of youth and our integrated model will contribute to the formation of healthier community.
Social Participation
“Social participation is the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of
people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address
issues affecting the well-being of community” (Centers for Disease Control and Preventi-
on, 1997, p.4). We have to underline a few key concepts in this definition. While similarity
describes proximity between people, shared interest and situations describe commu- ni-
ty-wide unity for action. The second key concept is collaboration. Collaboration descri-
bes the special qualities within the similarity and finally, the last key concept is the com-
munity describing welfare and being together by similarities and collaboration with the
efforts of this unity that a community could reach the shared goals or resolve their issues.
Similar with the above definition Gottlien (2006, p.2) defined social participation “as the
process of building relationships with community members who will work side-by-side
with you as an ongoing partner”. Besides, the remarkable point of this definiton is the
emphasis on the concept of relationship.
As can be seen above participation concept in social aspects describes the partnership,
shared values and activity in society. Social participation activities needs to be volun-
tuary and the members of the groups should be receptive to each other. Activities in
this environment lead to the succession of the social participation and are determined
by indivual’s skills of socialization and willing to cooperation. So, these actitivies could
be voluntary in a NGO and include joining university clubs or being involved in political
movements. In this process the level of interaction is the main factor of the effectiveness
(Young and Glasgow, 1998, p.343; Ashman and Suttie, 1996, p.120; Zunzunegui et al.,
2004, p.2070).
Family, close social environment, friends, neighbours and colleagues have very important
roles in being an active citizen and participating to society for individuals. Interaction with
people or groups spread the effects of social participation and encourage individuals to
contribute the whole society (Herzog vd., 2002, p.593; Glass and Balfour, 2003, p.313).
Finally, when the contribution of social participation is evaluated, it has positive effects on
the (Glass and Balfour, 2003, p.314-315):