Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 152

Zeynep Demirci
enabled young people who have opened up their personal development from the one
side and have the opportunity to develop themselves personally, actively participating in
life in line with the common interests of the society. In this sense, “school citizenship” and
“citizenship career” education can be regularly given to young people within a national
curriculum to create the conceptual and systematic dimension of citizenship education.
The first thing to do about the productivity of citizenship education is to carry out an
empirical identification study for seeing the effect of citizenship education on the youth.
With the support of qualitative research methods, it is necessary to determine the relation
between social class and education, and to choose the most adaptive method in terms
of citizenship education. Thus, it will be possible to determine how much given education
is understood, how much it affects the behavior of young people, and how citizenship
education affects the education process. And finally, when citizenship education is given,
the determination of how much socio-economic criteria are taken into account (the profile
of the class, the socio-demographic, vocational and ideological profile of the teachers,
etc.) becomes important. Because the education given is the same, it does not have the
same effect at students. It should not be forgotten that while creating all these action
plans, the ultimate goal is to create a free youth who contribute to the common interests
of society and the state.
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