Education for Citizenship and Youth in France
a topic and raising awareness, through the training of entrepreneurship, peace and
defense, to respect the diversity of individuals in the context of multiculturalism (Col-
laboration prepared by France, Scotland and England, 2009: 3).
The main purpose of the civic education is, first of all, to ensure that the individual
recognizes his own capacity, respects others, and has certain relevant perceptions
established in the relation with the others (Montel, 2003: 54).
All countries have citizenship training in school programs. Most of the countries have
the education for citizenship at all levels of school. Education for citizenship is given
as a separate and compulsory course in secondary education in Turkey. In France, it
is given as a separate and compulsory course in both primary and secondary edu-
cation (Eurydice, 2010/2011). In the framework of the Democratic Citizenship Educa-
tion (ECD) in France, the citizen is the individual who lives with others, generally in a
communal society. In this context, the concepts of citizenship and citizen also include
the concepts of status and role. Citizenship means the rights, obligations, duties, as
well as equality, diversity and social justice. It therefore includes all activities in which
individuals act together, in the public arena. ECD is an ongoing learning process th-
roughout life. Much importance is given to applied citizenship education in European
countries. In France, Cidem (Civism and democracy) is a civic education center. It
aims to ensure active participation in the issues affecting social life by giving freedom
of expression to young people, in a way that links institutions and daily life of young
people around common interests (Montel, 2003: 56). For this purpose, the election of
delegates of school classes is aimed at opening the way for young people to learn ex-
periential citizenship. For example, it is aimed to raise awareness about the practical
aspects of citizenship related to regulations such as drinking water, disposal of was-
tes, wearing safety belts. Likewise, some of ECD activities recommended for young
people in Luxemburg include being a member of a political party, writing a letter to a
newspaper, taking part in an ecologically targeted formation, having a chastise with
the mayor, visiting a political meeting, organizing a youth organization, etc. In these
activities, the aim is to strengthen young people’s ties with politics, to encourage the
creation of an atmosphere for debate with politicians, and to develop a thought and
posture about elections and democratic participation (Bodeving, 2009: 17).
Recently, studies are being carried out on education for citizenship in France on stren-
gthening exchange among generations. For several years, the youth house in Pé-
tange has been working in partnership with the elderly house (Bodeving, 2009: 51).