Youth Unemployment Problems and Solutions in Turkey
1. Political inconsistency
2. Weakness of the coalition governments
3. Legislative regulation contradicting with the unemployment policies
4. Shortcomings in institutional regulations
5. The guarantee period given for the saving deposits lasts long
6. The domestic market borrowings
7. Deficient rate policies
8. The finance supplement of the interventionist state policies by the public
One of the most important reasons lying behind the young unemployment is globali-
zation. With the influences of globalization, there have been changes in the quality
of the requested labour force all over the world. The request for unskilled labour
decreases day by day at the labour market in which the importance of knowledge
raises day by day. This situation leads to new employment positions. Therefore, a
parallelism is necessary between employment and educational policies. (Çondur
and Bölükbaş 2014: 80). Another impact of globalisation on the young unemploy-
ment is through the growth which does not provide employment. The main reasons
of this situation are the results of the fact that manufacturing industries cannot
sufficiently develop, the finance sector has become the main determinative sector
in the economy and the increase of the weight of residential investments in the
economy (Mütevellioğlu et al. 2010: 210).
These factors which would lead to an imbalance in the labour market affect young
unemployment in two different ways. First one is the imbalanced sectorial devel-
opment and the second is growth without employment. Unemployment and the
changes in the employment participation rates also affect the young unemploy-
ment. The increase in the unemployment rates leads to the increase of the young
unemployment both nominally and in real terms. The regression in the labour force
participation rates, on the other hand, only nominally leads to a decrease in the
young unemployment. The disappearance of the problem in the economic con-
jecture will lead to the regaining of the belief in the possibility of finding a job for
individuals and an increase in the labour force participation rate. This situation will
lead to an interrogation of the success of the policies executed for reducing young