Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 54

Ahmet Tayfur Akcan
• Opening courses which would provide previously convicted persons job op-
• Opening various courses for the unemployed people who are funded by unem-
ployment insurance.
To reduce the young unemployment level in general, the education reform, career
counselling, increasing the entrepreneurship, tax immunities and state subventions
should be applied as a whole.
The psychological problems caused by unemployment are more frequently seen in
young people. There’s an apparent correlation between unemployment and divorce,
substance addiction, criminality rates and suicide (Kelleci and Türk 2016: 14). These
kinds of psychological problems constitute an impediment for the economic devel-
The most outstanding factor that has decreased young employment and increased
young unemployment in the last period has been the uncontrolled and sudden en-
trance of Syrians into the country’s labour force market. In this context, apart from
the conventional unemployment reducing policies, the application of the policies con-
cerning the migration gains importance. After overcoming the problem of uncontrolled
entrance of the Syrian refugees, labour surplus will be destroyed and there will be a
regression in the young unemployment rates. In this way, an equilibrium point in the
labour force market will be achieved.
For a permanent decrease in the young unemployment proportions, the factors lead-
ing to the imbalance in the domestic labour force market should be eliminated. In this
context, primarily, educational policies concerning young education should be reor-
iented. The overlap of the real sector expectations and educational system outputs
would enable young people to occupy the empty positions in a related sector after
their education.
Another factor leading to an imbalance in the country’s labour force market is unbal-
anced migration mobility. Especially the education of young people living in the rural
region is limited which leads to an unemployment of the individual in the following
years. (Günaydın and Çetin, 2015: 23). The coherence of the migration policies, em-
ployment policies, and education policies in the country will provide a permanent
success in reducing the young unemployment.
After sustaining a coherence between the education system and the labour force poli-
cies, the problem of the necessity of creating empty employment positions in the mar-
ket should be solved. With the help of forming new businesses and policies directed
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