Youth Unemployment Problems and Solutions in Turkey
• Employment policies directed for the handicapped
• Unemployment insurance application
• Early retirement application
While the first 5 articles can be categorized under the title of active policies, the arti-
cles 6 and 7 can be categorized as passive policies. The common trait of the passive
policies is that the application cost is high and they make the individual get used to
laziness after a while. Active employment policies, on the other hand, suggest long
term solutions by increasing education-supported qualification.
The dynamic structure of Turkey’s young population became a current issue for the
UNDP, ILO and the World Bank. These institutions have made a research on the Turk-
ish labour force market and published reports on the evaluations and suggestions
concerning the increase of young employment. The common point of their reports is
that Turkish labour force market has Demographical Opportunity Framework but that
it cannot sufficiently benefit from it. In these reports advices have been presented
concerning the Turkish labour force market (Torun and Arıca 2011: 175). Some of
those advices are as follows:
• Securing the employment policies directed for young people with the help of
legal legislations.
• Making sure that young employment policies are in accordance with the Euro-
pean Union Employment strategies.
• Intensification of career consultancy service
• Giving a second chance to the unsuccessful youngsters
• Giving place to employment policies in a detailed way in the stabilization pro-
Taking these advices into consideration, İŞKUR has reshaped its employment pro-
grammes (Ay 2007: 87). These active employment policies are:
• Opening qualified labour force education programmes which guarantee em-
• Giving free education for individuals
• Opening labour developing courses for employed people