Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 64

Sıtkı Yıldız & Erdem Yöntem
number of elements as a research order on the whole of the universe or on a group, sam-
ple or sample taken from it (Karasar, 2009: 77).
Data Collection Tool
The questionnaire developed by the researcher was used as data collection tool used
in the research. Erasmus+ Student and Placement Program Cultural Interaction Assess-
ment Questionnaire was applied in electronic environment. The measuring instrument
prepared by the researcher was likert type 5 scale. The questions to be answered by
students are classified under the titles of Personal Information, Erasmus+ Student and
Mobility Program, Cultural Interaction Attitude Questionnaire.
The universe of the study consists of students who have studied at Kırıkkale University
and have benefited from the Erasmus+ Student or Placement Program in the 2015-2016
academic year.
Since the research is universally available, it is aimed to reach 68 students in the field with
full sampling method. Although 68 students are targeted to be reached, just 42 of them
have completed the questionnaire despite all interviews and periodic emails.
Internationalization and Bologna Process
Internationalization can be considered as one of the most important issues of the 21st
century. This situation has caused changes on several institutions. Experts indicate that
it is possible to address the causes and consequences of internationalization with only
through a detailed examination of the complex network of relationships
(Altbach & Knight,
2007: 290-305). They have set out theories to describe complex networks of relationships
between countries. Reflections of this process can be seen in higher education institu-
tions in several countries of the world (Van der Wende, 2007: 274-289).
Knowledge belongs to everybody, and this situation cannot be confined to the limits.
Internationalization has affected many institutions and organizations, either directly or
indirectly. It can be said that the effect on the higher education institution is at a very
high level. However, the issue of internationalization was closely influenced by higher
education institutions. Important decisions in this regard are handled and implemented
by national mechanisms. This situation can be seen on budget, management, curriculum,
etc. (Kerr, 1990: 5-22).
Significant studies have begun on institutionalization of internationalization with changing
paradigms in higher education institutions. An innovative and competitive structure has
been established with the name of Erasmus Program. Curriculum development work has
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