Sıtkı Yıldız & Erdem Yöntem
Erasmus+ Program in the Context of Cultural Interaction
Although it is difficult to make a definition of the intercultural interaction, it can be ex-
pressed as “the competence of the individual to express himself / herself and to behave
in a different cultural environment with his own knowledge, skills and competence”
dorff, 2006: 247).
The fact that students have different cultural, linguistic and geographical backgrounds
can cause some differences or disagreements in verbal or non-verbal communication in
international settings. In such cases, it is necessary to prepare the curriculum to include
cultural interaction in order to create awareness and cultural interaction between cultures
(Holmes & O’Neill, 2012:707-718). It is necessary to teach students how to give feedback
to different culturally-based situations and conditions in order to express themselves at
a sufficient level within a group of different cultures. One of the most effective ways of
achieving this is to provide educational opportunities abroad (Emert & Pearson, 2007:76-
On the basis of ethnocentric thought, the student can assume their own culture more
valuable and effective than other cultures. But in societies where there is an intercultural
interaction and ethnocentric thinking does not exist, students can live in harmony with
their own cultures and other students (
Hammer & et. all
, 2003: 421-443).
For the reliability of the study, the Cronbach Alpha value was found as 0.83. According to
the results of the t-test on the 15 items containing the gender variables and the attitudes
of the students in various subjects, the “Erasmus+ Program increases the group work
among the students” (P=0,004) and “Erasmus+ Program contributes to critical thinking
skills” (P=0,016) Significant differences were found between the judgments and the gen-
der of the participants. There were no significant differences between the gender of par-
ticipants and the other 13 items.
In this study, 36% of the men and 25% of the women did not have any adjustment
problems when looking at the cross-relationship in terms of gender and the adjustment
problems experienced in the destination country.
Among the students studying at the Health and Social Sciences Faculties participat-
ing in the research, “Erasmus+ Program has made the prejudices fall down” (P=0,028),
“The Erasmus+ Program provides opportunities to learn and observe by experiencing
the weak and powerful aspects of Europe” (P=0,01) and “participating in the Erasmus