Sıtkı Yıldız & Erdem Yöntem
Önder Kasapoğlu & Balcı (2010) indicated that the students have educational and training
experiences in different cultures and this makes it possible to reduce emotions such as
extreme nationalism or racism. Ünal & Özdemir (2013) stated that the students consid-
ered Erasmus Student Mobility Program as a comprehensive program in which educa-
tion, socio-cultural activities taking place, and the students participating in the program
generally expressed a positive contribution to the program.
In order to provide cultural interaction, the priorities should be determined by higher
education institutions and it also placed in the curriculum of undergraduate, graduate
and doctoral degrees in package programs and higher education institutions should give
information about cultural diversity to the students whether they will participate in ex-
change programmes or not. Cultural interaction models can be created in the curricu-
lum of health, social and science departments. Hence, the students who are educated
in higher education institutions and have different cultures can continue education and
training activities together in harmony.
Aksoy (2016) stated the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and
Culture’s Intercultural Learning Education Guide (2000) that important issues are included
in the field of intercultural interaction. It has been emphasized the importance of increas-
ing cultural sensitivity through creative techniques such as educational games, debate
activities, simulation games, role games for intercultural communication lessons.
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Öğrencileri Örneğinde Bir Araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(35), 429-459.
• Coser, L. A., & Rosenberg, B. (1964). Sociological theory: A Book of Readings. MacMillan: New York.
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(Erişim: 01.11.2016)