Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 117

The Relationship between Demographic Variables of Gen X and Gen Y Students and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
organizational commitment, and which is decribed as extra-role behavior that is not de-
scribed in the job description, may show some differences in terms of generations, gen-
der, sector, status, work experience and income level.
In this study, to collect data, an online survey was conducted with the participation of
students at Anatolia University, Distance Education Faculty. These students have work
experience in various business sectors. Quantitative research method was used. The
answers for the following qestions have been investigated.
1. Does the mean collected from organizational citizenship behavior scale and gender
variable have a statistically significant difference?
2. Does the mean collected from organizational citizenship behavior scale and genera-
tion variable have a statistically significant difference?
3. Does the mean collected from organizational citizenship behavior scale and sector
variable have a statistically significant difference?
4. Does the mean collected from organizational citizenship behavior scale and status
variable have a statistically significant difference?
5. Does the mean collected from organizational citizenship behavior scale and work ex-
perience variable have a statistically significant difference?
6. Does the mean collected from organizational citizenship behavior scale and income
level variable have a statistically significant difference?
Following sections include research method, population and sample, data collection
tools, analysis, findings, and conclusion and suggestions.
Research method
In this study, it is aimed to find out the factors that affect OCB of students at Anatolia
University Distance Education Faculty. To be able to define the relationship between two
or more variables and learn a cause and effect relationship, the correlational research
method, one of quantitative research methods, is applied (Büyüköztürk, at al., 2012: 15).
In this study, the relationship between OCB and demografic variables of these students
including generation, gender, sector, status, work experience, and income level is aimed
to be described.
Population and Sample
The target population of the study consists of students studying at Anatolia University
Distance Education faculty from the 2016-2017 academic year .
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