Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 116

A. Barış Baraz & Hacer Şivil
not guaranteed, might be advantageous to the ones who exhibit such a behavior. It is
not officially guaranteed, yet employees with OCB have a positive impact, and it may
bring about rewards, appreciation, but employees without OCB are not punished (Sezgin,
2005: 320). Similarly, in 2008 Economic Forum, Bill Gates stated that self-interest, and
caring for others provide more than self-interest. That is, Microsoft using its corporate
philanthropy donated more than $3 billion in cash and softaware, so they created a facil-
ity for people who did not have technological opportunities. Thus, they solved the prob-
lems that the poorest people faced, opened new market in developing countries. In other
words, that budget and training contributed themselves a lot, too (Gates, 2008).
Researchers categorize OCB differently. For example, Podsakoff at al. (2000) divided it
under the following categories: Helping Behavior, Sportsmanship,) Organizational, Loy-
alty, Organizational Compliance, Individual Initiative, Civic Virtue, and Self Development
(Podsakoff at al., 2000: 516). Smith & Organ (1983) put it under two dimentions: Altru-
ism and General Compliance, which is also known as ‘good soldier” or “good citizen”
syndrome of doing things that are “right and proper” but for the sake of the system
rather than for specific persons (Smith at al., 1983: 661-662). Organ (1988), on the other
hand, enumerated five dimentions of OCB: Altruism is acts of help to a specific person,
Conscientiousness includes attendance, cleanliness, and punctuality that go beyond
minimum required deeds, Sportmanship means a positive attitute, Courtesy includes
keeping the boss and co-workers informed, and Civic Virtue implies attending meetings
and checking company mails. All these dimentions should be extra- role. For instance,
an employee should go to work early and/or leave work late without any expectations
(Cummings et al.,1995: 238).
To be able to adapt into environmental changes, organizations should make changes in
the fields of building, labor division, production process, services, and working hours.
Some employees may not see these changes fair, and they may cause bigger problems.
That is why, not only organizational committment, employees’ psychological conditions,
personality traits, attitutes towards business, but also leaders together with factors af-
fecting behavior like job satisfaction, organizational justice, needs, job specifications, and
organizational trust, age, status, hierarchy, corporate identity, vision, employee-organiza-
tion integrity should be taken into consideration by administrators (Tuğcu, 2009:20). Early
studies investigated these antecedants of OCB. Later, researchers started to focus on its
effects. They included the effects of OCB on managerial evaluations of performance and
judgments and the effects of OCB on organizational performance and success. They all
proved that OCB causes employees to be rewarded and brings organizational success
(Podsakoff et al., 2000: 533; Sezgin , 2005: 328, and Malek & Tie, 2012: 121-122).
It is highly possible to protect an organization when employees’ behaviors go beyond
formal role requirements by their own will (Organ at al., 2006: Chapter 2: 7-9 and Sezgin
, 2005: 318). From this point of view, it is thought that OCB, which has an impact on
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