A. Barış Baraz & Hacer Şivil
To the researchers, younger (20-34 years old) and older (35-45 years old) employees rep-
resent different cohort groups. They stated that the cohort group of older employees may
have been more socialized to value altruism, may have perceived more behavioral choic-
es in their work environment because of greater organizational tenure and life experience,
and may have internalized the inherent value of helping behaviors to their organization.
than did their younger counterparts (Wagner & Rush, 2000: 388).
However, studies show that generations perceive themselves and other generations dif-
ferently, which causes conflicts. For instance, according to Universum 2015, contrary to
what is believed, Gen Y members decribe themselves as responsible and loyal employ-
ees. Kuran (2015) believes that we now need to redefine the term loyalty. Accordingly,
regarding generations, it is important to reshape our perceptions, definitions, and expec-
tations, which is vital to use human resources effectively (Kuran, 2015).
In this study, since the sample consists of Turkish students in Turkey, it is important to
know the distribution of population based on generations in Turkey. To the 2016 report
by Turkish Statistical Institute TUİK, total population compared to the previous year in-
creased 1.073.818 and reached 79.814.871. Total population consisted of 27.7% of 0-14
age group, 68% of 15-64 age group, and 8% of 65 plus age group. The report showed
that dynamic population was high and within the dynamic population, males and females
were almost equal. That is, 54.237.586 included 15-64 age group, whose 27.409.238 rep-
resented males and 26.828.348 represented females TUİK, 2016. Considering the data,
it is suggested that habits and expectations of the active population should be taken
into account so as to define proper politics for different fields ranging from education to
business life, which will reduce possible conflicts.
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