A. Barış Baraz & Hacer Şivil
Approximately 1 million 400 thousand students are enrolled at 8 programs offered by
Undergraduate Programs in the Faculty of Open Education, 6 programs offered by Fac-
ulty of Economics, 39 programs offered by Associate Degree Programs in the Faculty of
Open Education, and 5 programs offered by Faculty of Business Administration. 2752
students answered an online survey. Purposive/purposeful sampling technique, which
tries to explain natural and social event or phenomena, is applied (Büyüköztürk, at al.,
2012: 90).
This research is limited to the students studying at Anatolia University Distance Edu-
cation faculty from the 2016-2017 academic year in Turkey.
This research does not focus on a specific business sector, which might be consid-
ered as a limitation.
A study conducted in institutions where women employees are motivated and where
different generations work will provide more comprehensive data regarding OCB.
Data Collection Tools
In this study, to collect data, the researcher herself developed a form called ‘Personal
Details Form’ to define some demographic traits of the participants. To figure out the
students’ citizenship behavior, a 6-point Likert type OCB scale, adapted from Vey &
Champbell (2004) and Williamsishia (1999) and translated by Prof. Dr. H. Nejat Basım &
Assoc. Dr. Harun Şeşen (2006), was used. The survey was applied to students studying at
Anatolia University, Distance Education Faculty. When students logged in to the system
with their own user name and password to learn their grades or to reregister, they met
the survey link. Clicking the survey link, they filled in the online form on voluntary basis.
Analysis of Data
In this study, when it is analyzed whether there is a significant difference between the
OCB and independent variables; gender (male, female), generation (Gen X and Gen Y),
status (employee or manager), sector (state or private organization), working years, and
salary. Independent samples t- test was used due to the fact that these idependent var-
iables have two categories. To find out whether there is a relationship between the OCB
and other independent variables, he number of working year (1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20,
and 20+) and income level (below minimum wage and minimum wage, minimum wage
and 2500, 2500 and 4500, 4500+), one-way ANOVA was applied. SPSS V22 was used
for the data analysis.