Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 168

Çiğdem Sema Sırma
In addition, the body has been discussed in the context of consumption among socio-
logical explanations. In today’s world, the meanings of the body can be listed as having a
fatless, thin and muscular body. Baudrillard (1997), Esgin (2011) and Shilling (1993 cited
in Ozansoy, 2012, p. 63), Işık (1998) and Featherstone (2001) touch this point in their
Macionis (2012), Vander Wal, Gibbons and del Pilar Grazioso (2008 and Jackson 2002
cited in Şensoy (2013), Heinberg (1997) emphasized that internalization of having a weak
body, dissatisfaction about the body, excessive dieting and eating disorders can happen
according to the socio-cultural model. Laslett and Warren (1975), explains the labelling of
being overweight with the effects of modernization.
The study focuses on the meaning of having a weak body for young people. In this context,
two different themes have been reached out according to the young people`s perspectives.
The first is `the desire for being invisible in a crowd: the value assigned to the idol body` and
the second is `the desire for a quality life: the value assigned to the idol body`.
‘The Desire for Being Invisible in a Crowd: The Value Assigned to
the Idol Body’
`Being weak` or `having a weak body` is to have an idolized body that is shaped by the
society for young people. Not having a body which is compliant with the norms deter-
mined by the society may cause problems in young people`s social life. In this context,
the participants stated that they experienced restrictions in daily social life especially
about their clothing choices (the color, size and model of the cloth) during shopping if they
don`t have an `idol`, `desired`, `expected` in other words `weak` body. The participants also
stated that they developed behaviors for hiding themselves with proper clothing because
of not having the `idol body` expected by the social environment. They think that they can
reach out to the expected, desired, beautiful or `idolized` body determined by the society
by losing weight. The participants who are in the youth period in which it is important to
be liked by the opposite sex stated that being liked by the opposite sex will happen with
being weak. The participants said that losing weight / having a weak body meets the ex-
pectations of the society and causes them to like themselves more and therefore have a
higher self-confidence. They also stated that being weak is also important for being taken
seriously and given value.
‘The Desire for a Quality Life: The Value Assigned to the Idol Body’
The participants said that being overweight causes some health issues in their lives.
According to the them, having a weak body is required for having a healthy life which is
accessed as a quality life.
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