Çiğdem Sema Sırma
Besides, Boero (2007), Saguy and Gruys (2010), and Smith Maguire (2008) emphasized
that written and visual media communicate messages to the individuals which encourage
being weak.
On the other hand, the desire for losing weight and individual`s dissatisfaction about his/
her own weight have been examined in the context of familial relationships with social
sciences perspective. Considering the fact that socialization process takes part in all ar-
eas of an individual`s life, it can be said that eating habits are earned in family and family
members have a role in the development of an individual`s ideas about his/her own body
(Paff Ogle and Lynn Damhorst 2003 and Haworth Hoeppner 2002).
As it can be seen from the studies mentioned above; under the body concept, there are
various researches in the context of being overweight, the desire to lose weight and the
importance of having a weak body in different disciplines such medicine, psychology and
nutrition and dietetics.
The method of this study depends on the effort to understand which is the main emphasis
of the hermeneutic approach. Glaser and Strauss (1967), Butler (2015, p. 167) states that
the effort to understand stays at the center of qualitative research.
Data Collection Technique
The data of the study has been collected through in-depth interviews using semi-struc-
tured interview form. Before the data collection process, an ethical approval was received
by the Hacettepe University Ethical Commission on July 11
, 2017. In-depth interviews
were digitally recorded with the consent of the participants. One of the participants did-
n`t give consent for the digital recording but instead approved note-taking during the
interview. In addition, it has been guaranteed to the participants that the identities of the
participants would be hidden, would not be shared to the third parties and therefore a
nick name has been given to each participant.
In qualitative studies, the main principle in determining the number of participants is
reaching out to the data saturation. Data saturation means that the researcher reaches to
a point where he/she can`t extract any new information from the data collected (Patton
2002, p. 3). The data of the research has been collected from 17 participants when the
answers of the participants started to repeat themselves. The participants first have been
contacted through the key person and the snowball technique and the field study has
been completed between August 2017 and December 2017.