A Step For Healthy Life: A Student Club Activity
Nursing Department Scientific Activity Commission in order to contribute to the career
planning of nursing students in the post-graduate career and to graduate students who
are aware of career planning in the nursing profession. “Career Paths in Nursing - Ques-
tions and Answers” (Prof. Dr. Ayişe Karadağ from Koç University Faculty of Nursing),
“Working Areas and Employment of Nurses in the Ministry of Health” (Serap Açıkgöz
Çepni from the Department of Health Occupational Standards of the Ministry of Health),
“The Significance of Organizing in Professional Development” (Assistant Prof. Dr. Gülten
Koç from Turkish Nurses Association) and “LÖSANTE Child and Adult Hospital” (Expert
Nurse Emel Gürçay from LÖSANTE Nursing Services) presentations were shared in this
meeting. The participants who are experts in their fields have provided detailed informa-
tion on the working conditions of the hospitals in which they are working, the duties of the
nurses, the trainings given, the wage system, the personal rights and the different career
possibilities and qualifications required in the recruitment process. This program, which
all nursing students participated in, ended after the question-answer part.
Another activity carried out byAYBU Healthy Life Clubmembers wassetting up a stand in
“Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Science, Culture, Sports and Spring Festivals, 2017”.
At the stand opened by club members, snack foods prepared by the club members and
toys were sold. The participants were informed that the toys they bought would not be
delivered to them but would be donated to children who were threating at “Dr. Sami Ulus
Education and Research Hospital”. They were also told that if they wish, they could write
notes for the children. On the first day of the campaign, which was highly popular, all toys
were sold, and on the second day, many toys were donated to the club stand. All the toys
sold, as well as the books, pencils, coloring books, etc. were delivered with the notes to
the children in hospital. It was worth seeing the reactions of the children when they took
the toys and supplies and read the notes. It is clear that these children need moral and
motivation as well as medical support. No matter how old the patients are, morale and
support are undoubtedly important for every patient. It is a known fact that the time to be
spent with games, books, painting, cartoons and music will have countless benefits on
both their body and their psychological health, especially since they are children (Hayat
Bir Armağandır Projesi, 2010). It has been seen that this practice has provided considera-
ble moral support to children and their accompanying families. This organization has also
been a beneficial organization for club members in terms of developing social co-oper-
ation, responsibility, common sense and awareness, as well as improving their ability to
express themselves better and their communication skills.