A Step For Healthy Life: A Student Club Activity
brainstorming and crisis management with the school authorities.These problems re-
lated to the procedure and material resources in the first year of the Healthy Life Club
have led to club members to maintain club activities better and more quality in the
coming years and will be considered and minimized when the new club activities are
Various social, cultural, scientific and sporting areas should be created to attract stu-
dents, to make them have fun and to increase their participation in club activities. In
this way, students’ academic achievement will increase, leadership skills will improve,
professional development will be accelerated and career plans will become clear.
They will also develop in many ways, such as building new networks, developing cul-
turally and improving communication skills. In this respect, it is extremely important to
direct students to student clubs in universities. For achieving this purpose, the coun-
selor lecturers in universities and the members of the club have a great responsibility.
In this respect, the participation of students in club activities should be supported and
guidance should be given to students by cooperation among the units in the higher
education institutions.
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