A Step For Healthy Life: A Student Club Activity
Table 2. Benefits of Student Placement in a Student’s Club
Description Category Examples from Students’ statements
Increase in
Communication Skills
O2: It helped me meet my friends and communicate with my
O3: I was more active and social in interpersonal relationships
O9: I think that it both expandedmy point of view and increased
my communication power.
Occupational and
Social Sensitivity
O2: I had the opportunity to get to know my profession closely
because I was working in a club close to my profession
O11: My sense of responsibility is developimg
O12: Being a member of the student club makes me feel more
sensitive to the environment and people, to grow up as a
sensible person and help me to make contribution to the people
around me.
Problem Solving
O1: It provided me with a critical and solution oriented approach.
O18: I learned to do an emergency plan and organizational
O6: I learned to do group work, make plans and keep a record.
O16: I struggled for a purpose by taking responsibility within the
Table 3. Problems That Students Encountered During The Club Activities
Description Category Examples from Students’ statements
O1: Difficulties in procedures and getting permission from upper levels.
O2: Mostly, there are troubles in the permission phase
O17: Sometimes the school is not working on time or efficiently,
therefore it slows things down.
The Number of
O2: The number of participating members is scarce.
O15: Although there were many volunteer members in the pre-
event plan, attendance on the day of the event was minimal.
O17: We may not have the desire to schedule another event again
due to low attendance to the currents events.
Financial Resources
O7: We had technical and financial problems
O8: The school should increase the support for the club. Financial
support for the promotion of schools and clubs needs to be
O16: Financial resources were limited
O6: We had meeting problems.
017: I do not think that we fully understood the team approach.
We have experienced problems both within the organization and
in-team job sharing.