Dilek Aktaş & Erdal Ceylan & Reyhan Eskiyurt & Birgül Özkan
In line with the data obtained from the opinions of the individuals participating in
the research group; student club activities have contributed to the improvement of
students’ personal knowledge and skills, the improvement of communication skills in
social settings, critical thinking and problem solving skills, self awareness and career
planning. Similar results have been obtained in studies examining the effectiveness
of social club activities. It has been emphasized that social club activities play an
important role in improving the skills of students (Karslı, 2006; Peguero, 2010; Es-
kici and Aktas, 2014). The main objectives of nursing education are to develop the
knowledge and skills of the students for professional nursing and nursing practices.
Issues such as interpersonal relations, critical thinking, effective communication and
problem-solving skills are given importance in the education processfor the patient
care and to contact with other health professionals. Students are expected to transfer
these skills to professional nursing applications after they gain them. It is thought that
the role of social interaction, such as student clubs, is likely to have a positive contri-
bution within the scope of information transfer and development.
In recent years, it is stated that employers pay attention to communication skills,
leadership and problem-solving skills, and these skills may develop with extracurric-
ular activities (Tomlinson, 2007).As a strategy of employment for institutions, schools
recommend students to list all activities they are involved in and their position in these
activities. It is suggested that the activities that students perform outside the class-
room are a significant contribution to the employment process (Kim and Bastedo,
2017).Similar results have been achieved in our study and it was seen that students
have seen their student clubs as an opportunity to improve themselves and it was
seen that their awareness of this situation can benefit them in their career planning
process has improved.
Studies examining the factors that affect students’ club activities have found that
the physical and financial possibilities of the school affect the variety and quality of
activities. In a study carried out in our country, it is stated that there are problems
with the place and material resources in the club activities (Gündoğdu, Karataş and
Nacar, 2011).During the activity planning and implementation process, the students in
our study group encountered various problems related to the procedure and material
resource problems from the school and the team work and organizing about them.
It has been seen that the students’ encounter with the problem has a positive effect
on the development of various behaviors such as communication, problem solving,