Aylin Görgün Baran & M.Tuğba Erdem
information on social media accounts and care less about protecting privacy. Despite
of Tapscott, some others (Moscardelli & Divine, 2007; Hoofnagle, 2009) discussed that
youth feels a concern for their privacy, however their concern differentiate from the con-
cern that adults hold. For example, Moscardelli and Divine found that youth protects their
privacy in two ways; providing inaccurate personal information and request of removal of
lists. In this study, privacy approaches of young people will be examined and conceptu-
alized as electronic security (e-security) approaches in respect that its Turkish translation
may mislead the understanding of this concept.
Socio-demographic Characteristics of Research Group
3,718 out of a total of 5.597 young people (16-25 years old, N = 3,718) were included
in the study, accounting for 22% of the TURKSTAT sample. Almost half of this sample
consists of female participants (50.83%). While 45.7% of the youth is composed of 16-19
years old adolescents and 54.3% is in the age range of 20-25 years. This can be evalu-
ated as a balanced distribution among age groups. A striking feature of sampling is that
6.45 percent of young people do not have a school diploma. Moreover, it is presented
that the ratio of primary and secondary school graduates is very high (53.52%). The per-
centage of primary school graduates and lower secondary school is in total 34.4 percent,
whereas graduates who has a bachelor and / or graduate diploma applies to 5.6 percent.
69 percent of young people are not included in the workforce; which the reason of not-in-
cluding in workforce is because of continuing education (%58).
Internet and Computer Use Frequencies of Youth
The first of the important issues in this study is the frequency of computer use by young
people and the second is the frequency of Internet use. 65,75% of females and 67,26%
of males use the computer almost every day while the least is able to use once a week
(female = 19,45% and male = 17,29%) or few than once. 60% of young people between
the ages of 16-19 and 71.63% of the 20-25 year-olds use the computer almost every
day while the remaining ones use one or few times a week. It is revealed that 80% of
the young people aged 16-19 use Internet almost every day, 17.05% once a week, and
2% few times a week. When it is considered that households with a desktop computer
at home are about 21% and laptop about 33%, it is more understandable that the use
of computers is lower in Internet use almost every day. This argument supports the fact
that 95% of Internet use rate is the highest at mobile phone Internet access (97%) than
computer Internet access (20%). Therefore, it is clear that 16-25 year-olds in Turkey are
providing access to the Internet with portable devices. Moreover, it is noteworthy that
both the use of frequency of computers and the Internet increases steadily as education