Perceptions of the University Students on The Presidential System: The Case of Konya
Draft questionnaires were produced to determine if the questionnaires were adequate
and understandable and to formulate questionnaires appropriately for the purpose of
academic studies and a pilot study was conducted before the questionnaire was con-
ducted. The pilot application was conducted between the dates of 23 and 24 March
2017 in a face-to-face interview with 15 students in the 2nd and 3rd grade in Necmet-
tin Erbakan University Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Of
those who answered the questionnaire are asked to comment on the understandabili-
ty and scope of the questions. As a result of feedback from the participants in the pilot
study, some questions have been reassessed and changed. After the survey form was
finalized, the field study was launched.
The field study is conducted on the campuses of Selçuk University, Necmettin Er-
bakan University and KTO Karatay University in Konya between the dates of 27 and
29 March 2017. Konya Food and Agriculture University is exempted out of sample
universe due to the insufficient number of students.
Konya is an attractive city in the middle of Anatolia if it is taken from a student point of
view that there are a total of four universities, two of which are state-owned and two
of which are private. The number and diversity of students in the metropolitan area
is increasing day by day. It is already stated that there are about 110,000 students in
the metropolitan area.
The university students in Konya at the age of 18 or above are covered within the sam-
ple universe of this study. “Stratified Sampling Method” is used to detect the sample
of this study. In this respect, the selected universities and faculties are determined
due to the student density of the universities and faculties / colleges. The study was
conducted in a face to face interview with 390 participants. After the identification of
the numbers according to universities and faculties, the students to whom the ques-
tionnaire was applied were selected by simple random sampling.
After the survey is conducted, the consistent responses to the questionnaire are cod-
ed and loaded into SPSS 16.0 followed by analyzing the process. The gathered data
in the research are evaluated through SPSS 16.0 software. While the data which is
gathered through the survey is analyzed and interpreted, definitive statistical terms
such as “frequency tables, dispersion by percentage and averages” are used. Fre-
quency tables were created for each question. The Likert Scale which is prepared to
measure the participants’ perceptions of the presidential government system is calcu-
lated out of a hundred. The levels obtained for the negative judgments were subtract-
ed from 100 for a comparison with the levels calculated in the positive judgments, and
the statements transformed into positive judgments. In order to specify the reliability
of the scale used in the study, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was calculated and