Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 56

Oğuzhan Göktolga & Hasan Batar
chological effects of this have been observed on young people in long term. In accord-
ance with these main themes, it has been aimed that young people should be active
in solving the problems of social life as well as adopting the ideals and goals of social
responsibilities by the help of the tasks given to them.
Paragraph 170 of the United Nations Johannesburg Plan of Implementation emphasizes
the need for youth participation and encouragement of youth assemblies in all programs
and activities for sustainable development. Since youth assemblies will have effect on de-
cisions of city councils and city councils will have effect on decisions of local parliaments
and since both of these are complied with regulation, it is expected that youth assemblies
will be seriously taken into account and they should be perceived as one of the means
of negotiation in the decision mechanisms of cities. Otherwise, situations resulted in the
lack of concrete participation and the failure of self-devotion can reduce the power and
influence of participation (Emrealp, 2005: 68–69).
4. Malatya City Council and Youth Assembly
One of the main objectives of local governments in Turkey is the development of pro-
grams to ensure the effective participation of women and young people in the decision
making, planning and implementation processes, and the realization of programs for the
implementation of these programs. According to Article 76 of the Municipal Law No.
5393, municipalities are bound by law to establish City Councils.
The City Councils will function as democratic platforms for discussing the development
priorities and problems of the cities (Emrealp, 2005: 65). Youth Assemblies are sine quo
non elements of democratic platforms within which political, cultural and social partici-
pation are conducted.
4.1. Youth Assemblies
The history of the Youth Councils throughout the country begins with the Local Agenda
21 project proposed to Turkey by the European Union. Youth councils which have been
formed entirely on the basis of voluntarism have a development paralel to the develop-
ment of The Local Agenda 21s throughout the country.
In this respect, the coordination of activities for effective participation of youth in deci-
sion making, implementation and monitoring processes is carried out by Habitat. Local
Agenda 21 National Youth Parliament was established in May 2004 with representatives
of the Local Agenda 21 Youth Assemblies and youth representatives from other cities
(Emrealp, 2005: 32).
Later on May 19, 2004, representatives from these assemblies came together and at
the metting which was held in the Turkish Grand National Assembly the foundation of
the National Youth Parliament was declared. With the foundation of this parliament, the
young have grasped a chance to come together on a common ground in matters of local
and national dimension.
But in local level, since Local Agenda 21s have not been embraced by the local actors
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