Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 57

The Participation of The Young People In Social, Cultural and Political Life: Malatya City Council Youth Assembly Sample
yet, and while being approached with suspicion and still discredited, talking about some-
thing like youth councils has brought about the same genre. Especially since the legal
status of youth councils were not clear, they could not have a very large area of maneuver
at local and national scale.
4.2. Malatya City Council Youth Assembly
Malatya City Council Youth Assembly, which carries out its activities in terms of transpar-
ency, representation, justice, equality, independence and volunteering principles, has ap-
proximately three thousand volunteer members. These members are from political parties
that have an organization in provinces and districts, NGOs, student community of univer-
sities. Volunteer university and high school students also exist in this group of members.
Malatya City Council Youth Assembly has been trying to bring youth problems at the
local, national and international level to the agenda, and to propose solutions through the
organs formed from the general assembly, executive board and working groups. The as-
sembly carries out his facilities at a building which has been allocated to them by Malatya
Metropolitan Municipality.
4.2.1.The Foundation of Malatya City Council Youth Assembly
Malatya City Council Youth Assembly may be perceived as a an organization which
has been formed in a multi-partner and multi-actor governance approach, and aims at
strengthening the horizontal relationships between partners in urban administration and
strengthening the social structure for democratic participation, enabling sustainable de-
velopment, helping formation of a high quality and more liveable cities.
In accordance with the Article 76 of the Municipal Law No 5393, the City Council Regu-
lation was published on the Official Gazette No. 26313 dated October 8, 2006. The Reg-
ulation on the Amendment of the Urban Council Regulation was published on the Official
Gazette dated June 6, 2009 and numbered 27250. Following the enactment of these two
legal regulations, Malatya City Council was founded and began its activities. Some de-
cisions on the formation of the youth council were taken within the councils and working
groups were determined by the General Assembly of Malatya City Council. Local Agenda
21, established in Malatya in 2001, is a great source of experience for this structure that
has been transformed into the City Council.
Malatya City Council Youth Assembly’s Activities in the Field of Social
When we examine the activities of Malatya City Council Youth Assembly and its working
groups, we observe that there is a serious understanding of cooperation, in particular a
work on local issues and a carrying out joint work between the assembly and its working
As we mentioned earlier, the Youth Assembly, based on the experience of Local Agenda
21, carried out activities on social problems in local, national and global scale. One of
these projects was the project of “Insert the Brush to the White and Paint Terror and
Prejudices” and it was financed by the State Planning Organization.
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