Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 33

Youth’s Participation Patterns to The Society
private courses have become a significant industry in preparation for university entrance
exams. Because the students learn and memorize multiple-choice question format for
the university entrance exam in these private courses, their skills of criticizing and ques-
tioning are inhibited. One and a half million students take the exam each year to enter
university but the quota is not sufficient therefore only one fourth of the students can
get the right to study at universities through the exam. In this race, the rate of the ones
making conscious choices is low. In Bayhan’s research (2003), for the question to learn
the reason of their university preference only 24% of the sample responded as conscious
choice, 19% responded because of their score wasn’t enough for another university, 18%
responded as a result of a wrong choice. In addition, the rate of the ones who are not
satisfied with the subject they are studying on is 23%.
The third dimension of the iron triangle is a system consisting of a worn and deadening
bureaucracy. The structure is inadequate in terms of quality and responsiveness to the
needs. If to take into account that even concluding a simple case for a court may take
five to ten years, the reason of the distrust for social institutions is understood (Oktar,
2001: 32).
In a political system which retains the state power and doesn’t produce any solutions to
social and economic problems, the real goals of the politicians are considered as becom-
ing rich, gaining advantage for the interests of their supporters and relatives.
Politicians’ alienation from the society brings out the alienation of the society from politics
and politicians. The question “What is the real purpose of the ones engaged in politics
(Member of Parliament, Local Party Leaders, etc..)?” was responded becoming rich by
39% of the sample, 34% responded gaining advantage for the interests of their sup-
porters and relatives, 11% responded serving for the nation and country, 5% responded
becoming famous.
The reason why the real purposes of the politicians are defined as becoming rich, en-
suring the interests of their supporters or relatives and becoming famous by 77% of the
respondents is the result of the alienation of the politicians to the society and alienation of
the society to the politics and politicians. For the question which is the most trusted insti-
tution, political parties were observed as the least trusted institutions with a rate of 0.7%.
In Turkey where patronage and nepotism are experienced intensively by means of po-
litical parties and politicians; distrust of political parties and other findings support the
common view that the real purpose of the politicians is taking advantage for some inter-
ests. 82% of the sample agrees with the view “It is useless to make complaints to the
authorities, because the authorities are not interested enough in citizens’ problems”. In
this context, insecurity prevails for the bureaucracy which is led by the politics. Also, 90%
of the sample agrees with the view “Not the ones working hard but the ones having an
uncle wins in Turkey” (Bayhan, 2001; Bayhan, 2010; Bayhan, 2012).
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