Ömer Faruk Akbulut & Edanur Duran
A participant named “Storm” from Ahi Evran University expressed the positive effect
of this change:
‹› I already had a goal in front. Because I am 23 years-old, this law article has directly
affected me. Providing young people with opportunities will help me on my way to
my goals. ‹›
A participant named “Bulut Çimen” from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University stated that
he was positively affected by this change:
«Every individual has goals for the future, and sometimes s/he can be worried about
the future. This is quite normal. The great majority who experiences this anxiety are
young people. Young people have chosen the way to express what they are express-
ing and making it possible to transform from being a dream to be real by this change.
This change has transformed certain attitudes in young people. I hope that young
people who are willing to have more responsibilities and knowledge. I think that with
young people›s desires and expressions about their future goals will grow and their
anxiety will decrease. This situation affected me positively. ‹›
A participant named ‘’ Haydar ‘’ from Ahi Evran University expressed to be affected by
this change as follows:
“This change has decreased my confidence in politics.”
The Opinions that Expressed Lowering the Age of Candidacy to
18 Does Not Influence the Future Plans of the Youth
Twenty-nine of the participants have the opinion that lowering the age of candidacy
to 18 does not affect their future goals. Twenty from Ahi Evran University and nine
people from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University have the opinion that lowering the age
of candidacy to 18 does not affect their future goals.
A participant named “Flying Eagle” from Ahi Evran University expressed that he was
not affected by this change:
“Even though the value given is clearly seen, the situations in Turkey still includes
many obstacles for a young person who says ‘ yes, I can be a deputy candidate’. At
this point, it is not possible to state that there are major changes related to my future