Önder Kutlu & Erhan Örselli & Veysel Babahanoğlu
• In terms of social awareness, the rate of those, who stated that they are aware of
Alo 191, was found to be 34.6%. This rate is quite low. In this regard, it will be very
useful for the relevant public institutions to carry out awareness-raising activities
related to that service.
• The proportion of those who have not previously participated in conferences, se-
minars or training programs related to the damages of narcotic substances has
been determined to be 69.1%. In order to increase the level of social awareness, it
is of great importance that such activities are spread out to the public level and the
participation in such activities is increased.
• Regarding the measures to be taken in the fight against drugs, the participants
stated that the young people in the schools should be informed about the issue,
the state should carry out policies to make the society be aware of the problem,
the prohibition and punishment should be emphasized and the families should be
informed on the issue.
The level of effectiveness and the success of public policies on the fight against drugs
and addiction is directly related to citizen adoption about them and their legitimacy.
In this context, in order to be more successful with the drug combat, it is necessary
that the existing public policies should be told to the youth/citizens and the level of
awareness of the citizens should be raised in this regard. Given the widespread use
of information communication technologies today, the success of anti-drug policies
can be achieved with the help of internet technology - especially social media. Raising
consciousness and awareness levels of today’s young people, the future’s mothers
and fathers on drugs play a key role in ensuring the future success of drug-fighting
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nan politikalar ve toplumsal algı. Konya: Çizgi Kitabevi.
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bağlamda Türkiye Yeşilay Cemiyetinin değerlendirilmesi. (Araştırma ve İnceleme Raporu Tarih
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