Hikmet Yazıcı
2012). Smoking has been found related with agoraphobia in puberty when smoking habit
generally emerges (Johnson et al., 2000). These findings differ from the results obtained
from a logistic regression analysis.
In this study hostility levels of smokers have been found dramatically higher than that of
non-smokers and it is determined that hostility explains smoking significantly. Kahler et
al. (2009) have determined that high-trait hostility symptoms are related with persistent
cigarette smoking. These researchers have specified that delay of smoking increase neg-
ative mood of the ones having hostility and when reinstatement was immediate, these
moods decrease. In a study where nicotine and placebo effects are examined, it is deter-
mined that compared to placebo, nicotine effect decreases anger levels of high-hostile
participants from 24% to 13% (Jamner, Shapiro, & Jarvik, 1999).
This study has shown that self negativity levels predict smoking significantly. But this
result is different from previous studies. While many studies (e.g., Croghan et al., 2006;
Gajdosova, Orosova, Madarasova Geckova, Tavel, & van Dijk, 2009) emphasize that low
self-esteem levels increase smoking risk, according to the result of this study, it decreas-
es smoking risk. Different variables may have an effect on observation of the result in
this way. In the study of Carjaval et al. (2000), it is determined that low self levels have
no relation with smoking habit when other variables regarding childhood and family are
taken under control.
Somatization levels of smokers are higher than that of non-smokers in this study, but
these points don’t predict smoking status significantly. In the study of John et al. (2004),
it is observed that substance use, mood, anxiety and somatization disorders of current
smokers are more common. Comorbidity of somatoform and substance use disorders
in literature is also discussed. Generally, somatoform and withdrawal symptoms overlap
considerably (Hasin & Katz, 2007). However, studies predicting this relationship are quite
The results of this study are generally similar to the findings of previous researches made
with the use of brief symptom inventory, with some differences. In the study of Nakash
et al. (2012), it is determined that there is a significant relationship between somatization,
anxiety and hostility scales of brief symptom inventory-BSI and risk behavior scale in-
cluding smoking. According to a study conducted in Turkey, there is a positive significant
relationship between smoking and somatization, hostility, depression, but there is no re-
lationship with anxiety (Ayvaşık & Sümer, 2010).
This study has some important limitations. That the sample was chosen from only one
university (Karadeniz Technical University in Trabzon province) is the first limitation. That
the findings are based on self-reports is another limitation. Thus, it is recommended that
researches should be conducted on wide groups having different properties.