Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 213

• Manuscripts should be typed on a A4-sized paper, with top, bottom, right and left margins 2.5
cm (16 x 24.7 cm area), 1.5 line spacing, justified, no end of line hyphenation, using Times New
Roman font 10.
• Tables, figures, pictures, graphics, and the like should not exceed an area of 10 x 17 cm, and a
smaller font and single spacing is recommended.
• Manuscripts must not exceed 25 pages,
• The editorial process starts when a copy of the manuscript is forwarded to the following e-mail
address as an attached file written in MS Word:
• Within one week after the submission of the manuscript an electronic mail message is sent to
confirm receipt.
• Submitting authors will be asked to mail, fax or e-mail a letter to the publisher bearing the sig-
natures of all authors, with the following content: This letter should clearly indicate that the ma-
nuscript is the product of a collaborative study of the authors; it has not been submitted to ano-
ther journal; and ethical codes have been complied with at every stage of the study. If there are
co-authors, the letter should specify with whom editorial correspondence will be conducted.
• All submissions will be first reviewed and assessed by the Editorial and Advisory Boards in
terms of subject matter, contents, suitable presentation and accordance with spelling rules.
• The manuscripts which are found suitable and acceptable by the mentioned boards will be
submitted for scientific assessment to referees who are well- known and distinguished by their
works in related branches.
• Referees’ reports are secret. Authors have to take into consideration the suggestions, criticisms
and corrections made by both Referees and Editorial- Advisory Boards.
• Authors are responsible for opinions expressed in the articles.
• Quotation from the articles in the journal is allowed in condition that the journal should be indi-
cated and acknowledged as source.
• Quoting person or institutions are responsible by law for distortions.
• No payment will be made for published articles.
The manuscripts submitted should comply with the sample manuscript format and contain
the following sections:
• English Title Page (article title, author(s)’ full names and titles, address, phone, fax and elect-
ronic mail)
• Abstract (between 150-200 words)
• Key words (between 5-8 words)
• Main Text (quantitative and qualitative studies should include introduction, methodology, fin-
dings, and discussion sections. If the study has used a new model, the methodology section
must include sample/working group, data collection tools and subdivisions of the procedure.
Papers that are based on compilation of other studies should lay down the problem, analyze
the relevant literature compre- hensively, underline the gaps and contradictions in the field, and
discuss the solution to the problem. Other studies may vary the sections depending on the
subject, but there should not be too many subsections that will impede fluency. Tables, figures,
pictures, graphics and so on should be included within the text.)
• References (for in text citations and references section, APA style (Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association [6th edition] published by the American Psychological As-
sociation) must be used.
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