Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 74

The Impact of War and Conflict in Worsening the Problems of Middle Eastern Youngsters: A Proposal for Future Social Policies
Taking into consideration the experiences of other countries, the governments in the
Middle East and North African regions require expertise to come up with the ideal ways
and policies as well as possible outcomes of such policies. (Roudi, 2011).
In general, making good, effective and sustainable impact of social policies and inter-
ventions on the level of livelihood, education and health for young people in the Middle
East and North Africa assessment of the needs of young people at risk in addition to the
understanding the cultural and political environment of these young people (Fehling et
al 2015, pp. 916-930). Supporting young people in the Middle East by developing solu-
tions to their problems accumulated as a result of the crisis in the region as a whole has
become necessary and urgent (Nelson at el, 2015). From several serious indications for
the development of young people, particularly young women in the Middle East and
North Africa, such as high unemployment rates, low participation in political and public
life in general, high rates of early marriage in some countries and deprived millions from
the right to education in nine countries (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syrian
Arab Republic, Turkey, Yemen and State of Palestine) in conflict or affected by conflict
as well as the associated deaths with war and conflict, attention should be focused on
four key areas and develop the necessary plans and social policies in order to invest
in young people and transform the issue of the youth bulge to demographic feature. It
is to create employment and job opportunities that will allow the participation of wo-
men, men, refugees and people with special needs so as to strengthen the economic
situation of young people on the employment level. Create a suitable environment that
enhances and creates effective political participation of youth and contribute to the pe-
ace-building process within the regional community and the region at the level of civic
participation and integration. Provide preventive and curative health services as well
as mental health services and well-being. Develop appropriate strategies that protect
the right to education and provide the opportunity for refugees to receive their right to
education in the host countries on the level of education (UN IATTTYP, 2016).
In the light of these readings and suggestions for future an emphasis on social policies
should be laid on the role of non-governmental organizations and the role of internatio-
nal cooperation in contributing to solving the basic causes of these crises.
Young people in the Middle East suffer from many problems before and after the war
and conflicts in the region as reviewed in this study. Therefore, we resort to the em-
powerment theory as the most appropriate method on which this study is based on
proposing future social policies.
“Zimmerman summarizes the theory simply: “Empowerment theory connects individual
well-being with the larger social and political environment, and suggests that people
need opportunities to become active in community decision making in order to improve
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