Murat Önder & Niyazi Karabulut
H3, which tests the effect of mass media on voting behavior of young voters, was evalu-
ated under 8 factors. From these 8 factors, there was no significant relationship between
the voting behavior of the young voters and the announcement brochures of newspapers,
radio, internet, public opinion, and election banners. But the result is that the participants
with undergraduate and postgraduate educated were interested in about the effect of the
internet in terms of voting behaviour. Other factors, television, candidate meetings, face
to face interview with the candidate, it was understood that the young voters was less
concerned with them, and the hypothesis was not generally supported in this regard. H4,
which is expressed as positive influence of voting behavior of the family and the young
voter in close friends, was not confirmed. The elderly and retired voters attach more im-
portance to the family and close friends in the local elections, and the young electorate
has remained indifferent to this issue.
As can be seen from the hypothesis results, young voters are interested only in the featu-
res and projects of the candidates/parties, candidates’/party’s projects in local elections.
If the interest of young voters to politics and democratic governments is limited, as Der-
mody and Hanmer-Lloyd (2004) have revealed, it will be difficult to form a questionable
future generation. Inquiries into the future vision of young voters in the work in terms of
the 2014 local elections and the 2019 local elections that tend to vote for the younger
voters, may lead young people to raise awareness about elections and their governance
issues, in general.
It is very important see that the younger generations are willing to participate in both local
elections and general elections. If the future research are directed at active involvement of
young candidates in administration of governments, younger generation will have better
chance to contribute to their self-awareness and breakthrough.
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