Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 100

Ethics and Youth in Modern Society
1. Modernity has brought new situations in ethics as it is in many areas. These situations
are deeply affecting young people.
2. Modernity has brought some achievements to humanity, but at the same time it has
caused very serious losses. Among these losses, undoubtedly, that young people and
indeed the whole society has become the subject of moral and ethical problems, et-
hical losses and moral tensions are important. Along with globalization, these losses
affect and even surround all societies and all individuals.
3. Modern society, on the one hand, presents a huge set of opportunities in the areas of
marriage, politics, education, culture, religion, economics, law, rights, ethics, morality,
entertainment, enjoyment, leisure time, body, organization, global relations, etc., on
the other hand, brings major restraints, limitations, challenges and problems in the
same or similar areas to the people living in it. This is a paradoxical situation and one
that best describes modernity and modern society. This feature of the modern so-
ciety constitutes a tangle of multidimensional problematics and problems, especially
on young people, whether male or female. In the problematics, ethical problematic is
maybe the most difficult and problematical points for youth.
4. In modern society, young people are faced a great set of tests with situations such as
general social change, image, show, spectacle, demonstration, publicization of priva-
cy, individualism, freedom, violence, faith, responsibility, reliability and abuse.
5. In connection with these trials, youth is at the jeopardy of a heavy ethical crisis and
uncertainty network with a desire for power in the process of secularization. In this
trap, young people live in many situations in their lives, falling into uncertain situations.
6. To look at the ethical direction of young people in terms of internet sociology is also
important to understand the ethical status of the youth in modern society. In the virtual
ethical approach of the world of virtual realities, young people are confronted with
very different moral and ethical situations. The ethics leads to important changes, pa-
radoxes, tensions in the young people’s views of life, social relations, family relations,
approaches to social norms, understandings of respect and love.
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