Gençlik ve Spor Bakanlığı Yayınları - page 147

Youth Political Participation: Sample of Sirnak
education and training. In this context, it is very important to have initiatives that develop
ad hoc organizations in the field of environment, public awareness and social sensitivity
studies to create participation attitudes of young people in the schools. Finally, it seems
that there is a need for structures and organizations for the development of young people
on a global scale with every age-specific education, materials and development activities.
Particularly in central and local policy makers’ decision-making mechanisms, it is of great
importance to take initiatives in these fields. Organizational, structural and educational
arrangements should be made to train young people more efficiently and effectively. In
addition to these, by the announcement of services through the support of technology,
the interest of youth should be attracted to politics, democracy and justice. Open edu-
cational contents need to be developed for young people. Some targets have to be put
in front of young people and responsibilities should be given to young people to achieve
these goals. In short, if the needs and expectations of youth are met, their motivation for
inclusion in political processes will increase and future institutional youth structures will
be revealed. Policy makers should develop strategies to support youth participation and
prepare and plan action plans about young people by taking them into consideration. The
number of innovation spaces where young people can meet and come together should
be increased and innovative ideas that can be shared by organizing campaigns, activities,
workshops, trainings and film shows for the projects should be provided.
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